Short news

On Saturday the 23rd of March 2024, I'll be joinging Kunstmarkt Noord XL!

Kunstmarkt Noord (@kunstmarktnoord on Instagram) is an affordable two-day art market for local artists in Amsterdam North. For the XL edition, over 65 artists will showcase their work at Expocafé ZAMEN in Amsterdam North!

I'll be there on Saturday 23rd between 11:00 - 17:00, and I'll bring my insect paintings, lino prints, and a stack of my notebooks! 🐞🦋

Come check out the work of 65+ photographers, illustrators, painters, ceramists! Enjoy the DJ's groovy tunes, as well as the drinks and snacks from Expocafé Zamen. There's no entrance fee, so you can enjoy this celebrarion of creativity all for free!

I hope to see you there!

Ihave designed new patterned notebooks!

They are the familiar 15x23 cm notebooks, with 120 lined pages and a matte soft cover. There's a couple of new, colorful designs, all with a beautiful pattern of beetles!

You can find them on Amazon, if you search for "Doris Wopereis", or click on this link.

From November 2022 - January 2023, Galerie Paterswolde will have it's annual Visitekaartjes exhibition.

The exhibition showcases small artworks by a number of artists, and I have also joined with 5 of my artworks. It's a feast for the eyes, so be sure to visit!

Galerie Paterswolde's website and Instagram.

In September 2022 I will be joining 12 other artists to show my work at the Doksalon - PopUp version!

I will be there with my drawings, paintings, lino prints and notebooks. You can also check out everyone else's work: photography, ceramics, sculptures and jewelry will be there to admire!

For more info, check out the Doksalon website or Instagram.

I hope to see you there, it promises to be a fun weekend!

I have been working hard to design notebooks, and as of January 2022, they are now available on Amazon!


I've designed the covers with patterns made with my artworks. Some of the original paintings can be found on this website under "Gouache". The notebooks are ruled, and are available in different patterns and colors. The result is a selection of brightly colored and inspiring notebooks, great for schoolwork or journaling!

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You can find them all if you search for "Doris Wopereis" on Amazon, or if you click the link here!

For the last week of 2021, I'm joining an exhibition in Roelofarendsveen! "MADE aan de Kade" is an exposition that can be enjoyed during a walk around the town: all the artworks are showed in the windows of people living in the neighborhood! The global theme is "Pittig", or "spicy". You can find my drawing at the Noordkade.

MADE aan de Kade is set up by Wij Presenteert. You can find their Instagram here, and the guide for all the artworks here.

From November 2021 to January 2022, I have joined the "Visitekaartjes tentoonstelling" at Galerie Paterswolde!

The Visitekaartjes exhibition is a recurring event for the gallery: this already their seventh year. During these 3 months, artists are invited to show their smaller work, no bigger than 150 cm2. I have submitted six detailed fineliner drawings - see if you can find them!

You can find the website of Galerie Paterswolde here. They also post updates on their Instagram - you can check that out here!

This year, I participated in the Inktober challenge!

The concept of Inktober was created by Jake Parker in 2009, and it consists of 31 drawing prompts, one for each day of October. I decided not to follow the official prompt list for 2021, but rather set myself the challenge of drawing every day, and posting a picture of it on my Instagram account.

Some of the drawings are shown below, but all the posts together can be found on my Instagram!

From June 2021, I am showing some of my artwork together with Marc van der Zwet!

My fineliner drawings and his oil paintings can be found at Bed & Breakfast and mini-camping Kostverloren 11, in Finsterwolde, the Netherlands.

Check out Marc's oil paintings here:

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I have turned some of my drawings/prints into gifs: you can find them on on my channel.

(And I also embedded some in this website, see if you can find them!)

I post my latest artwork on my Instagram page, @doris.drawings

Below you can see a sneak peek!

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